Monday 1 October 2012

Health Tips

Health is the key of success. If our body and mind is fit and healthy then we will defiantly get success in life. In this modern life style we all are running towards money, we don't have time for our self . We are not taking care of our self , most of the people are spending more than 12 hours in working but they are not able to manage time for their health. We should have take some time for our health an fitness.
So there are few health tips which makes you healthy -
Drink lost of water, and try to drink a full glass of water in the morning because in night we lose a lot of oxygen so we have to rejuvenate our body cell and we have to supply water to them
Try to avoid junk food
quit smoking and drinking alcohol
Eat fresh fruits
Do exercise or yoga daily minimum 30 minutes
Drink herbal tea , herbal tea is also very effective to keep you fit and healthy
Try to eat a garlic a day, garlic help in controlling cholesterol
Try to eat wholegrain food rice, pasta it will reduce the chance of having cancer
Take care of your skin, use sun screen when ever you go out
If you are a non-vegetarian, eat fish its reduce the chance of heart disease
Take a morning walk , a 10 to 15 minutes morning walk makes you fell fresh whole day
Take a full sleep , a good 7 to 8 hours sleep make your mind fresh an then you mind works effectively
Listing to musing is also help in relaxing your body
Green vegetable are also a good source of vitamins, so eat it and Green vegetable also help in improving your eyes site
So, if you really want to stay fit and healthy follow the above health tips. The above health tips will defiantly help you to stay fit and healthy , and you will get the success in all part of your life. you can also find some more tips from different web sites .
health tips

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